NYC Local SEO Company | Keyword Bidding with Google Ads
Online advertising is the bread and butter of marketing right now. But, Google Ads isn’t always so easy to navigate. That’s why it’s so great to work with a reputable NYC local SEO company. Here are the basics of keyword bidding with Google Ads to help you better understand the mechanics:
What is Google Ads?
Formerly known as Google AdWords, Google Ads is an online advertising system created by Google. Businesses and people are able to pay to get their ads displayed throughout Google’s ad network, including within search results.
What are Keywords?
Keywords are topics made up of a words or phrase. They are easy for online users to search these keywords and find relevant search results. Businesses are able to target these keywords and place bids for a higher ranking ad placement in search results.
How to Bid on Keywords
So, you’re ready to bid on keywords and get your ads at the top of results pages. Keywords have a list of components that make them valuable as denoted by their quality score. This includes the bid, click-through-rate, landing page experience, and relevance. These are what you’ll manage to make sure your keywords are as successful as possible. Here is how to use that information to make bids in less than 10 steps:
Start by downloading a week’s report for data.
- Using active keywords, create a spreadsheet containing rows A-G, labeled “Week,” “Keyword,” “Campaign,” “Ad Group,” “Status,” “Max. CPC,” “Avg. Position,” “Search Impr. Share,” and “Search Lost IS (Rank)”.
- Use the following equation in row 2, column J to see which keywords ranking at 1.4 or 1.6. This will only leave ranking 1.5: =IF(OR((AND(EXACT(B2,B3),OR(G3=1.4,G3=1.5,G3=1.6))),OR(G2=14,G2=1.5,G2=1.6)), “skip”)
- Delete the “skip” rows and column J. Also, delete any keywords outside of the current week and with an average position of 0.
- Viewing only an average position of 1-1.3, delete keywords with a rank higher then 10%.
- Multiply the cost-per-click bid by a value between .9 -1.3, with the goal of getting 1.5.
- Make sure the CPC is less than the first page bid and the “Search Impr. Share.” If it is lower, you need to raise that bid to be a minimum or $1.
- Keep just the “Keyword,” “Campaign,” “Ad Group,” and “Max. CPC.” columns.
- Upload these to your Ads Editor to see your changes. This will be your bids.
Is Your Business in Need of an NYC Local SEO Company?
Don’t wait! Once your business starts a successful strategy with an NYC local SEO company, the benefits are endless. So, contact us today to schedule a free SEO consultation with one of our experts.