Organic SEO:
Our goal is to get your business listed at the top of organic local and global web search engine result pages.
Once you sign up with us we will work with you to achieve this goal.
How it works:
We will create a keyword rich ‘landing page’ that looks similar to your page. (If you do not have your own page we will make one.)
We will optimize your landing page to show up at the top of organic local and global web searches.
We will route potential clients from your landing page to your website.
We will create back links to your landing page.
We will create a new listing or update your current places account.
We will optimize your landing page for local search.
We will work with you to pick your keywords.
We will track your impressions (views) and clicks in order to keep statistical information and track your progress.
We will advise you on your existing web site to track your performance. (analytics)
We will advise you on how to constantly improve your conversion of views to clicks.
We will keep you updated on your campaign performance.
You keep track and report to us your new clients/patients that inform you that they found you online.
- Call or email today for a free no obligation online demonstration or in person in NYC.