DoctorSites Archives - Best Marketing NYC

Category Archives: DoctorSites

Not getting enough traffic to your beautiful site by Officite, Doctorsites or iHealthspot ?

There are lots of companies that  make beautiful websites for doctors, dentists, physical therapists, and all kinds of medical professionals. I’ve listed the three biggest in my title. logo p04 logo p02 logo p01

These companies make gorgeous professional sites that are somewhat affordable and best of all, with little work required by the doctors. free SEO p05Every business, including medical, needs a website these days in order to be credible. These site that some call “cookie cutter” sites do a great job of creating a credible looking website. The problem is that they just don’t optimize well. These companies know this and some even charge you to do website optimization but they just fail to deliver.

Why doesn’t my website come up in Google?

Why doesn’t my website get more hits?

One of the big variables used by search engines is uniqueness. When one of these large companies build your site they use the same backbone as all their other clients and just make cosmetic changes. You’re site is the same as all their other sites underneath. It’s like trying to find the red Buick when looking from underneath it. It looks the same as all the other colored Buicks, and all the other Chevys, Oldsmobiles, and Cadillacs built on the same chassis.

Uniqueness of websites matters

In order to rank higher than your competitors, you need to have a unique website. I’ll demonstrate with a short example: I built a site for my ‘laser for toenail fungus treatment’. I was at the top of Google for a long time. My business partner started doing ‘laser for fingernail fungus’. I took a shortcut to build his new site for fingernails based on an exact copy of my toenail site. Within a few weeks my toenail site moved off of the first page of Google and the fingernail site was not only on the first page, but the first result on the first page for most keywords.

I had known about the uniqueness factor but didn’t think it would be so drastic. I learned the hard way how important it is. I then built myself a completely new toenail laser website and we are now both on the first page of Google for keywords.

Your site is not unique. This is where Best Marketing NYC comes in to save the day. Unlike most search engine optimization (SEO) companies we do not touch your website. You can keep your beautiful site exactly as it is now. We build you a (free) one page site that we call a landing page. Your landing page looks exactly like your regular site (we call that your ‘static site’). But the landing page only looks like your static site to the viewer. It’s coded completely uniquely like no other page on the internet. We drive hits and people to your landing page. They get some information from there and they anytime they click anywhere, they are the redirected to your static site.

So, if you have a beautiful site from, or and you are just not getting the new business you wanted, you should contact Best Marketing NYC. We will drive people to your site Guaranteed. We are the only SEO that guarantees our work. If you’re not on the first page of Google, you only pay a very small fraction of your rate while we continue to work on it and get it up there. It sometimes takes 3-6 months during which we don’t charge you.